Ruth Buø
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
Ruth Buø is a senior advisor in The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. She is managing government schemes aiming to enhance quality and stimulate innovation in education within HEIs in Norway. Her focus areas are work-integrated learning, work relevance and educational learning in higher education. She has worked as an assistant professor in Experts in Teamwork at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), teaching collaborative skills and group facilitation and with research. She has also worked with HR and recruitment in the Norwegian Road Administry. Her educational background is in educational learning and psychology, and she has a Master’s degree in counselling. Ruth is interested in teaching and learning in higher education, what fosters students' learning, learning communities, and personal growth? What does the future of higher education look like?

CIEE’s 11th Annual Global Internship Conference
Global Experiential Learning in a Borderless World